Saturday, December 26, 2020

 Early morning, down town Metaline Falls Washington.

Oh it's going to be a grand day!

Last night the husband was in the office and accidentally locked the cat Paws in there.

The boy gets up at 3 am and lets her out and he goes back to bed.

She runs up and down the hallway for an hour keeping me awake with her I am hungry people serve me food now or I will find  me new minions to do so!

Then I hear allot of hooves outside.  I's the day after Christmas it's not Santa .

I get up to watch a small heard of elk go through town.

I come back to bed and just as I lay down the oldest chihuahua Spec thinks she has to go out.

I try to get her to use the litter box like she used to and the other one still does.  

No luck.

So I then get dressed to take her out.

Pants, coat, boots not mine. Ooooh weeeeelll.

I almost fall out of them and down the stairs. I recover and make it.

I go out and there is a doe with its tail in the air and it's front half under the pathfinder.  

Poop! I just stepped in deer POOP in not my boots!

The deer won't leave and actually gets aggressive. 

While getting away I run out of a boot and leave it outside.

I go back step in the deer poop with my bear foot ( aaargh) and get the boot. The deer runs towards me again.

It's not yet 4 am and the dog is barking at the deer.

I come in with the dog who is dancing in circles, throw the boots to the side and grab a paper towel to wipe my foot off and watch the deer as it keeps going under the front of the pathfinder.  It comes out licking its lips each time so it was eating something. 

Weird. The car has not moved in over 24 hours.

All that time the dog is still asking to go out, dancing circles because she needs to go now!

I take off coat.

I put the dog in the tub and tell her to go go go. 

She dances in a circle but won't go.   

I repeat this about 60 times.  I wash my foot.

Finally I need to go go go.   I do and the dog stares at me like I am crazy.

She still is dancing.

I put her in the litter box and tell her go go go.  

I hear daughter groan from her room.

Spec looks at me like I am a nut and sits there wagging her tail making her version of snow angels in the litter.

Then she dances in a circle in the litter.

By this time the other dog, Itsy is up and wants to use the litter box.  She gets excited and tries to play with Spec.

Spec whines and batts her eyes at me.

Blink blink, dances in a circle.

Out in the living room the kittens are meowing and the crazy adult cat wants fed because she was locked in the office all night.

One of the kittens that was locked in a kennel (how did she get out) comes running down the hallway and tackles the  Itsy chihuahua as they both wait to use the litter box. 

Here comes the adult cat running down the hallway towards us all. 

Itsy runs towards her playing.  The kitten Moody joins in.

I hear someone getting up.

Son says what's going on.

I tell him.

He gets dressed.  Do I hear Grumbles about there is still snow on his boots and they are wet.........(must of been his I put on.  I say nothing.)

He half falls down the stairs and out the front door, still sleep drunk, grabs a big hardwood walking stick and from the window it actually looks like he has to hit the deer to get it to let him into the yard.

He comes back let's the chihuahua out and they patrol the yard as she does her doody in more way then one.

I grab the Moody loose kitten and re kennel it.

Then Mad eye the other one climbs out as I do.

I get them both secured for now knowing this is probably the last night they will be penned up for the night.

They can now set themselves free.  Oh joy!

I notice the open cat food and feed the adult cat Paws.

The kittens want fed too.  So I open the kennel feed them and secure it again.

My son and the dog come back in.

We put the Chihuahuas to bed in the living room.

We walk to our doors and by time I get too mine hubby says what's going on.  I notice now both dogs came running when they heard him and are wanting in bed to snuggle with us.

Adult cat Paws just ran down the hallway and joined us and as I write this I can hear the kittens working the kennel free.

They will be here in a minute and the morning maylay  will start early.

Monday, December 21, 2020

 First they came and closed the schools and businesses for two weeks for our safety.  Then it turned into two months and longer.

But I did open my business against orders.

I don’t take orders from the dick potato governor or his czars any more.

Then they came for the Grandma gardening without a mask in her own yard, and I didn’t speak up,

because I wasn’t a gardener.

Then they came for the Moms organizing play dates on the playground, and I didn’t speak up,

because my kids are grown.

Then they came and told us all we must wear masks to protect others,

I didn’t speak up even as I was screamed at by former friends to put a mask on.

Then they came for the Events and tourism in the area and shut them down, and I didn’t speak up,

because I don’t go to those sorts of things.

But I did report it to my sheriff and request that charges be brought for threatening me and assault.

It didn’t do any good because my sheriff doesn’t publicly go out of his way to follow his oath.

Then they came and forced the kids to wear masks at school and I did not speak up because my kids are not in school.

Then they came for me, my business,

and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me.

by Hip Hick Chick and Liberty Grace Independence 2020

Saturday, December 12, 2020

 I have repeated it much of my life.

Its woven in and out of my blog and social media posts as freedom, our republic and liberty is woven into my soul. Strong like the armor of God I put on each day.

Today after the high court inaction many are repeating the quote.

"When tyranny becomes law, rebellion is duty." ~ Thomas Jefferson

The rest are bowing like the sheepeople  they are to the tyranny being inflicted on the American people.

Instead of taking it up the bum from the dickpotatoe in your state, county or town it’s time to grow a spine and stand up straight, proud and free.


To paraphrase greater people who came before us,

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for a free people shall not be infringed.   I know not what course others may take but as for me Give me Liberty or give me death!

I mean it.

I am done.

Lead or follow but get the F@£%! out of my way.

I am taking my freedoms back.

Go ahead, share my post.  Make sure and sign it in my comments.

God Bless America and God Bless the Free People of the USA.

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