Thursday, August 30, 2012

Honey, You Didn't Build That ....I call it one of the reasons I HOME SCHOOL

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

We are looking for a couple people who would like to spend some time once a month teaching, sharing and growing with us from a purely bible based perspective on the world and what is going on.
Any one interested?
You can remain anonymous or have your name published here and on HHC blog with your posts.

Please let us know by responding to our fact checker at. 


Friday, August 17, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Fmr. Marine Arrested by FBI for Patriotic Facebook Posts!...

Here is his mother being interviewed.
Would anyone even notice if it was one of us or our readers?
Makes you wonder how often is this happening and we do not know about it.

Marine Vet detained for FB posts - Brandon J Raub being "arrested"

What do you do if someday they come for you or me?


WAKE UP AMERICA! Watch what happens when Guns are banned in Australia

Monday, August 13, 2012

Downs syndrom to be gone by 2030? You better ask at what cost!

Watch this video and then

Please take the time to read ‘Deselecting’ our children 

Then come back here and share your thoughts.

A very wise friend showed me this article and then said, 
"Is this where America is headed?! Here’s a recent Danish headline: “Plans to make Denmark a Down syndrome-free perfect society.” The Danes want to promote aborting fetuses with Down syndrome, so their society will be free of such people around 2030. One bioethicist describes it as a “fantastic achievement.”....In North America, it’s estimated that more than 90 per cent of unborn babies with Down syndrome are aborted.

*Upon reading this article I, Marcy, couldn't help but remember an unforgettable ultra sound appointment I had during one of my pregnancies...I was laying on the table happily gazing upon my precious 23-week-old baby's 3d/4d image and so very tickled by his sweet baby antics, when suddenly the ultra sound technician started sobbing....she explained that her sister-in-law had just aborted her 23-week old baby because it was diagnosed with down syndrome...turned out the prenatal tests were wrong and she killed a perfectly healthy baby girl (of course I started sobbing too....and still get choked up thinking about it to this day). Doctors are not God. What must the Author of Life be thinking....
We are heading into a new holocaust.   TT
We are already experiencing a holocaust and it is only going to be getting worse.  WAKE UP TT before they remove your head from your neck in the public street.  What do you expect from a country that allows its doctors to euthanasia patients against family's and the patients wishes   Mary
I think much more prayer is in order on this.  HHC
Silence from LJ.  Unable to share a thought because of the tears.

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