Sunday, September 30, 2012

CENSORSHIP on Facebook.

Apparently the powers that be on FB decided that what we were posting was not fit for facebook.
We were unable to access our page.
Truth be told we shared raw video of someone being tortured and possible killed during the demonstrations in Libya.
It was posted and reported all over the world and we posted it from four different providers to let you decide if it was real or not.
We also posted video

o of the man who made the film that supposedly started the riots being taken into police custody for probation violation.
FB also took these down.
Then there was links to video of a few of the Obuma statements and screw ups regarding all the demonstrations/riots/war on America.
EVEN the post of THIS IS WAR ON AMERICA linked to video of the consulate burning was removed.

If you want to have free speech here in the USA any longer then you need to stand up for it and practice it every day.
Do not worry about being politically correct.
Do not worry about being offensive.
PUSH THE WALLS DOWN that the powers that be are building while America sleeps.

I challenge you right now to exercise your rights every day.
Be a patriot and exercise your rights.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Can you say you would of done differently?


Do you think that a local police department should have a way for crimes to be reported anonymously?

Do you think that if someone requests to remain anonymous that the dispatchers should be allowed to harass them into making a report to them even if the person is requesting to speak to an officer?  Especially when calling the NONE EMERGENCY LINE.

Do you think the dispatcher should be allowed to say "I can see where you are calling from on the caller ID so you might as well tell me who you are!"?

Do you think that a police officer should then be allowed to scold you when he does call you back 10 hours later, because you repeatedly asked to speak to an officer instead of to a dispatcher who would of put your name over the radio for all your neighbors to hear you called the police?

Call your local police department.  NON EMERGENCY LINE
NOT 9 1 1!!!!
Ask them how you are to report a crime tip anonymously?
Write it down and share it with your neighbors.
Did you know in some counties they do not even want you to call 9 1 1 to report a drunk driver?
They want you to call the police non emergency line.

In my county they have no way for you to do that.

In my county they police tell people who called on them and you are more likely to have the person you called the police on show up at your door then you are the officer.

I am not just talking from personal experience.  This has happened to me and others I know right here in the county.
Don't get me wrong we have a great sheriff and some good deputies but this continues through the last three sheriffs.

Recently I and a friend saw a group of kids (17 to 19 year olds) we know walking around town with a bucket and a gas can.
We could casually identify two of them and swear it was that person in court.  Three we could not.
We did not think much of it till the next day as we heard of gas tanks being punctured over the last few weeks.
She tried to report it with out giving our names as we feared retaliation from the local family.
The dispatcher would not let it rest and let us speak to an officer.
This is how she had been told in the past to be able to report a crime and keep her name out of it.
Many hours later she received a call back and was scolded by the officer for not giving the details to dispatch.
The officer said well allot of good this does us we have had no crimes of gas siphoning going on in the county.
She then told the officer that the local power plant and a local teacher had both reported such crimes in the last three weeks.
He sure backtracked fast but still made her out to be the bad guy here.
We could of identified those people and they probably would of been caught last night as I saw them again out with the same implements.
But because of not being able to keep our names out of it we choose to say we could not identify them.
Was it wrong?  YES
Was it prudent to our safety?  YES
Can you say you would of done differently?

Praying for our youth and police officers today.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Just a reminder. 
You can find me here too          FACEBOOK Hip Hick Chick who is always Right, Little John and Tiny Tim.

A friend that is dieing of cancer started an event inviting all of his friends to join.

He is posting adventures and being out and about with his wife and kids. 
He is also inviting friends and family on facebook to be part of these little last adventures.
Nothing that cost much.  Most of it is just an investment of time.

Out of 40+ family members none have even joined the event.
Out of over 300 friends that he actually has known in his life 6 are following the event.

Are they all  in denial or just do not care.

Another friend was pestered out of her mind to make a event page celebrating her 25th wedding anniversary.
They were even asked to open a gift account at the local bank to allow those who wished to contribute to a gift were able.
I guess she made it because I just found it today.  She invited me to join it weeks ago.

So far there are 4 people out of 80 who have responded.  Only one is family.

Her husband actually said why bother.  No one came to our wedding.

They are the kind of people who love everyone and work in and around their community within all different groups and dynamics.

The kind of people who are always reaching out to others in their time of need but will be ignored because they appear so self reliant even if the whole community knows they are in need of help or support.

So I ask you. 
How do you reach out to others and celebrate life with them?
Is it important to let others know they are loved?
Are we not to treat each other as we ourselves want to be treated?
Are we not to love each other as Christ has loved us?

How do you respond to events you are invited to join on facebook?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


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