Saturday, December 26, 2020

 Early morning, down town Metaline Falls Washington.

Oh it's going to be a grand day!

Last night the husband was in the office and accidentally locked the cat Paws in there.

The boy gets up at 3 am and lets her out and he goes back to bed.

She runs up and down the hallway for an hour keeping me awake with her I am hungry people serve me food now or I will find  me new minions to do so!

Then I hear allot of hooves outside.  I's the day after Christmas it's not Santa .

I get up to watch a small heard of elk go through town.

I come back to bed and just as I lay down the oldest chihuahua Spec thinks she has to go out.

I try to get her to use the litter box like she used to and the other one still does.  

No luck.

So I then get dressed to take her out.

Pants, coat, boots not mine. Ooooh weeeeelll.

I almost fall out of them and down the stairs. I recover and make it.

I go out and there is a doe with its tail in the air and it's front half under the pathfinder.  

Poop! I just stepped in deer POOP in not my boots!

The deer won't leave and actually gets aggressive. 

While getting away I run out of a boot and leave it outside.

I go back step in the deer poop with my bear foot ( aaargh) and get the boot. The deer runs towards me again.

It's not yet 4 am and the dog is barking at the deer.

I come in with the dog who is dancing in circles, throw the boots to the side and grab a paper towel to wipe my foot off and watch the deer as it keeps going under the front of the pathfinder.  It comes out licking its lips each time so it was eating something. 

Weird. The car has not moved in over 24 hours.

All that time the dog is still asking to go out, dancing circles because she needs to go now!

I take off coat.

I put the dog in the tub and tell her to go go go. 

She dances in a circle but won't go.   

I repeat this about 60 times.  I wash my foot.

Finally I need to go go go.   I do and the dog stares at me like I am crazy.

She still is dancing.

I put her in the litter box and tell her go go go.  

I hear daughter groan from her room.

Spec looks at me like I am a nut and sits there wagging her tail making her version of snow angels in the litter.

Then she dances in a circle in the litter.

By this time the other dog, Itsy is up and wants to use the litter box.  She gets excited and tries to play with Spec.

Spec whines and batts her eyes at me.

Blink blink, dances in a circle.

Out in the living room the kittens are meowing and the crazy adult cat wants fed because she was locked in the office all night.

One of the kittens that was locked in a kennel (how did she get out) comes running down the hallway and tackles the  Itsy chihuahua as they both wait to use the litter box. 

Here comes the adult cat running down the hallway towards us all. 

Itsy runs towards her playing.  The kitten Moody joins in.

I hear someone getting up.

Son says what's going on.

I tell him.

He gets dressed.  Do I hear Grumbles about there is still snow on his boots and they are wet.........(must of been his I put on.  I say nothing.)

He half falls down the stairs and out the front door, still sleep drunk, grabs a big hardwood walking stick and from the window it actually looks like he has to hit the deer to get it to let him into the yard.

He comes back let's the chihuahua out and they patrol the yard as she does her doody in more way then one.

I grab the Moody loose kitten and re kennel it.

Then Mad eye the other one climbs out as I do.

I get them both secured for now knowing this is probably the last night they will be penned up for the night.

They can now set themselves free.  Oh joy!

I notice the open cat food and feed the adult cat Paws.

The kittens want fed too.  So I open the kennel feed them and secure it again.

My son and the dog come back in.

We put the Chihuahuas to bed in the living room.

We walk to our doors and by time I get too mine hubby says what's going on.  I notice now both dogs came running when they heard him and are wanting in bed to snuggle with us.

Adult cat Paws just ran down the hallway and joined us and as I write this I can hear the kittens working the kennel free.

They will be here in a minute and the morning maylay  will start early.

Monday, December 21, 2020

 First they came and closed the schools and businesses for two weeks for our safety.  Then it turned into two months and longer.

But I did open my business against orders.

I don’t take orders from the dick potato governor or his czars any more.

Then they came for the Grandma gardening without a mask in her own yard, and I didn’t speak up,

because I wasn’t a gardener.

Then they came for the Moms organizing play dates on the playground, and I didn’t speak up,

because my kids are grown.

Then they came and told us all we must wear masks to protect others,

I didn’t speak up even as I was screamed at by former friends to put a mask on.

Then they came for the Events and tourism in the area and shut them down, and I didn’t speak up,

because I don’t go to those sorts of things.

But I did report it to my sheriff and request that charges be brought for threatening me and assault.

It didn’t do any good because my sheriff doesn’t publicly go out of his way to follow his oath.

Then they came and forced the kids to wear masks at school and I did not speak up because my kids are not in school.

Then they came for me, my business,

and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me.

by Hip Hick Chick and Liberty Grace Independence 2020

Saturday, December 12, 2020

 I have repeated it much of my life.

Its woven in and out of my blog and social media posts as freedom, our republic and liberty is woven into my soul. Strong like the armor of God I put on each day.

Today after the high court inaction many are repeating the quote.

"When tyranny becomes law, rebellion is duty." ~ Thomas Jefferson

The rest are bowing like the sheepeople  they are to the tyranny being inflicted on the American people.

Instead of taking it up the bum from the dickpotatoe in your state, county or town it’s time to grow a spine and stand up straight, proud and free.


To paraphrase greater people who came before us,

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for a free people shall not be infringed.   I know not what course others may take but as for me Give me Liberty or give me death!

I mean it.

I am done.

Lead or follow but get the F@£%! out of my way.

I am taking my freedoms back.

Go ahead, share my post.  Make sure and sign it in my comments.

God Bless America and God Bless the Free People of the USA.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

 The agreed Declaration of thePeople of Washington State to disregard and nullify the orders of the governor of the state, 

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the CONSENT of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and if necessary to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Counties of this state; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present Governor, dictator of the former great state of Washington is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these counties of Washington State. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

He has refused to allow the people to determine laws and has appointed judges who call the citizens stupid and unknowing of what the voted for and passed by vote.

He has forbidden the people to determine for them selves  to continue in business, ordering  immediate and pressing closures and suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected the state of the finances of the people, businesses and counties.

He has refused to allow freedom of choice on people being able to gather for church, school, business or travel.

He has traveled and partied with other states representatives after ordering his state citizens to shutter their businesses and stay home, cancel thanksgiving and not gather with family.

He has basically dissolved state Legislative representatives power through their strict code of ethics to even be allowed to meet with the people who they represent or speak to them on any matter concerning the orders he has pressed on the citizens repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.

He has refused, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of failing and voter interfearance from without, and convulsions within.

He has endeavoured to prevent the population of this State; for that purpose obstructing the Laws voted in by the people to be passed, refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands by threatening businesses with pulling their license to do business, sell alcohol, Tobacco or canibus.

He has appointed czars to state offices with to much power over life and Liberty of the people

He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:

For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:

For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:

For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:

For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.

He has destroyed the lives of our people.

He has constrained our fellow Citizens bear Witness against their Neighbors and county, to become the police of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Governor  whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the said governor of a free people.

Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our Leftist, socialist leaning  brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts to extend jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the FREE CITIZENS OF WASHINGTON STATE, in General THE PEOPLE, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these COUNTIES OF WASHINGTON STATE, solemnly publish and declare, That these United COUNTIES are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent COUNTIES; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the STATE OF WASHINGTON, and that all political connection between them and the State of OF WASHINGTON, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as A Free and Independent STATE, they have full Power to GOVERN OURSELVES, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which A Independent State may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.




Asotin County

Benton County

Chelan County

Clallam County

Clark County

Columbia County

Cowlitz County

Douglas County

Ferry County

Franklin County

      Garfield County  

      Grant County

Grays Harbor County

Island County

      Jefferson County

King County

Kitsap County

Kittitas County

Klickitat County

Lewis County

Lincoln County

Mason County

      Okanogan County

      Pacific County

Pend Oreille County

      Pierce County

San Juan County

      Skagit County

Skamania County

Snohomish County

Spokane County

Stevens County

      Thurston County

      Wahkiakum County

Walla Walla County

      Whatcom County

Whitman County

Yakima County




Thursday, July 16, 2020

I called poison comtroll

“I gathered all vaccine ingredients into a list and contacted Poison Control. After intros and such, and asking to speak with someone tenured and knowledgeable, this is the gist of that conversation.

Me: My question to you is how are these ingredients categorized? As benign or poison? (I ran a few ingredients, formaldehyde, Tween 80, mercury, aluminum, phenoxyethanol, potassium phosphate, sodium phosphate, sorbitol, etc.)

He: Well, that's quite a list... But I'd have to easily say that they're all toxic to humans... Used in fertilizers... Pesticides... To stop the heart... To preserve a dead body... They're registered with us in different categories, but pretty much poisons. Why?

Me: If I were deliberately to feed or inject my child with these ingredients often, as a schedule, obviously I'd put my daughter in harm's way... But what would legally happen to me?

He: Odd question... But you'd likely be charged with criminal negligence... perhaps with intent to kill... and of course child abuse... Your child would be taken away from you... Do you know of someone's who's doing this to their child? This is criminal...

Me: An industry... These are the ingredients used in vaccines... With binding agents to make sure the body won't flush these out... To keep the antibody levels up indefinitely...

He: WHAT?!

Your conclusion?

The man was beside himself. He asked if I would email him all this information. He wanted to share it with his adult kids who are parents. He was horrified and felt awful he didn't know... his kids are vaccinated and they have health issues...”

~  By  Iris Figueroa 🍃♥️🍃

✅INGREDIENTS TO VACCINES -  You CANNOT make an educated decision without being educated.

Here are just SOME vaccine ingredients.
These are being INJECTED into your kids;

◾Formaldehyde/Formalin - Highly toxic systematic poison and carcinogen.

◾Betapropiolactone - Toxic chemical and carcinogen. May cause death/permanant injury after very short exposure to small quantities. Corrosive chemical.

◾Hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide - May cause damage to the liver, cardiovascular system, and central nervous system. May cause reproductive effects and birth defects.

◾Aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, and aluminum salts - Neurotoxin. Carries risk for long term brain inflammation/swelling, neurological disorders, autoimmune disease, Alzheimer's, dementia, and autism. It penetrates the brain where it persists indefinitely.

◾Thimerosal (mercury) - Neurotoxin. Induces cellular damage, reduces oxidation-reduction activity, cellular degeneration, and cell death. Linked to neurological disorders, Alzheimer's, dementia, and autism.

◾Polysorbate 80 & 20 - Trespasses the Blood-Brain Barrier and carries with it aluminum, thimerosal, and viruses; allowing it to enter the brain.

◾Glutaraldehyde - Toxic chemical used as a disinfectant for heat sensitive medical equipment.

◾Fetal Bovine Serum - Harvested from bovine (cow) fetuses taken from pregnant cows before slaughter.

◾Human Diploid Fibroblast Cells - aborted fetal cells. Foreign DNA has the ability to interact with our own.

◾African Green Monkey Kidney Cells - Can carry the SV-40 cancer-causing virus that has already tainted about 30 million Americans.

◾Acetone - Can cause kidney, liver, and nerve damage.

◾E.Coli - Yes, you read that right.

◾DNA from porcine (pig) Circovirus type-1

◾Human embryonic lung cell cultures (from aborted fetuses)

✳You can view all of these ingredients on the CDCs website. I encourage everyone to do their own research. Look up the MSDS on these chemicals. Read the thousands of peer reviewed studies that have evaluated the biological consequences these chemicals can have on the body, especially when being injected.

✳Fact check vaccine ingredients here:

#educatebeforeyouvaccinate #injectionisdifferentthaningestion #learntherisks #informedconsent

Animal blood in vaccines

Food in vaccines, like peanut oil etc shows it causes food allergies

Vaccine Guide

Copied from social media.

Confused, horrified and just plain mad.

I’m so confused right now. I see signs all over saying black lives matter. I’m just trying to figure out which black lives matter. It’s not black cops. They don’t seem to matter. It’s not my black conservative friends. They are told to shut the **** up if they know what’s best for them by their black counterparts. It’s not black business owners. Their property does not mean anything. It’s not blacks who fought in the military. Their statues are destroyed by the black lives matter protesters with disdain. So which black lives matter again?

I can’t keep up. I just can’t. I’m exhausted trying to figure out what we’re all supposed to do, believe, and be offended and outraged by next.

Two months ago, First Responders were all the rage. In fact, they were heroes. We gave them free coffee, meals, and cheers as they drove by. Today we hate them and want them defunded because they can’t be trusted.

Two months ago, truck drivers were the heroes, as well, for keeping America moving and the grocery stores stocked. Today we block the roads with protesters, drag them out of the cabs and beat them half to death.

Nurses and Doctors are still cool for now. But they may be unemployed. They too are heroes, unless of course they truly believe all lives matter. Then they’re filled with hate and are part of problem like so many others.

Just 45 days ago protests weren’t “essential” and were considered criminal, selfish and a murderous activity. Today they are gloriously critical and celebrated. All of the obvious criminal and murderous activities are simply ignored. If you protest about lockdowns for freedom, you are selfish and you will spread a virus. If you protest, loot, and riot for social justice, you are a warrior and the virus cedes.

Trust the experts. No, not those experts. Don’t wear masks ... wear masks, but only good ones. Wait, don’t wear masks, wear anything as a mask. Nevermind on the masks. Not sure, but if you don’t, you hate people because you could be an asymptomatic spreader. Wait. That's not a thing anymore?

For 3 months, NOTHING was more important than social distance. In fact, we gave up all of our liberties for it. We canceled schools, medical and dental procedures, canceled activities, closed businesses, eliminated every spring rite of passage from prom to graduation, denied people funerals, even at Arlington, and we wrecked the economy for it. Then came social justice, and social distance was no more. Now things are more cut and dry though. A thousand people at three memorials for someone they never even met. It's a matter of "respect". But you can only assemble 100 or less people.

Black Lives Matter. Of course they do. Then multiple black police officers and individuals were killed during the “peaceful protests”. I don’t see any outrage. Black individually owned businesses burned to the ground. Silence. Deadliest weekend in Chicago. NOTHING!!

I’m really confused now. Look at the data, NO, not that data. Do the math. No, you can’t do the math like that. Only the experts can understand the data and math. What do you mean other cities/states/governors are interpreting the data differently? Pools are safe in Indiana, but not Michigan? Playgrounds are safe in your town but not mine? Amusement parks are safe in Florida but not Ohio, nor Michigan.

Just listen to the black community leaders. No, not them.

If you are silent you are part of the problem. If you speak, you are part of the problem. If you have to ask, you don’t understand. If you don’t ask, you don’t care.

It’s all so unpredictable, tedious, and exhausting. Nothing adds up. It’s one gigantic common core Math life problem, with ever changing denominators that I’m sure the media and politicians are eagerly ready to solve for us....until the next "crisis".

Author unknown
Some changes and editing by me.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Sexism! It’s not a one way street.

I see so much sexism.
More then I have ever seen before in almost 55 years of watching life.

Stay at home parents of both sexes receive allot of it but a stay a home dad sees so much and is harassed so often.
Shopping with the kids and they are stopped and harassed.
Taking the kids to the park on a week day and the police are called to see if the dad has kidnapped them.
Man mentally and physically abused by his wife tries for the 100 time to file a police report with Seattle police department and fails again to be allowed to do so.
Man spends 20 years trying to get her and himself help and has to document and photography the abuse in an attempt to get children and family services to help.
Same man is laughed out of court when trying to get a restraining order against his wife.
Man tried to file for divorce and can’t find a lawyer that will help with the documentation and proof of abuse.
Man represents himself in divorce court.  To a unbelieving judge submits over 1000 pieces of evidence of police misconduct, violations of his rights by his wife, the Seattle police department and officers of the court.
Wife is not punished. Judge will not recommend her be punished and actually says to the man why didn’t you defend yourself.   Submits as evidence the one time he did and the ensuing arrest record and testimony of witnesses who said he was just defending himself from his wife.

Petition for divorce is granted on the grounds of irreconcilable differences.  NOT on spousal abuse because it could cause mother to loose the ability to see her children.

If it had been the man abusing her it would of been very different.

Washington State Department Of Health 
sexist posts on social media.

We are all sure we all need breaks not just women.
Just wondering why they are showing these women exercising together when in Washington state at this time all gyms and this sort of gathering are in violation of the goobenors unconstitutional orders.

Sexism is wrong no matter who is receiving it.
Most of it I see now is making men the victims of it and it is being perpetrated by government agencies.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

My personal thoughts regarding these orders.

I can no longer afford to suffer to be made a slave by submitting to these orders.
I am not one that takes orders or follows rules. I am the one that gives the orders to the elected.
By our vote and by standing up together against unfair and unjust orders and laws.
I am a law abiding citizen of the republic and will follow constitutional law.

I made the mistake of submitting voluntarily out of FEAR and preservation of my family and customers lives.
I can no longer.
I am not saying they are not worth it.
But We each are and must be responsible four ourselves.

If we choose to continue to live our lives as normally as possible taking the precautions we feel are needed like masks, more thorough hand washing and sanitation.
America can open and life can go on.

It is also not as if the stimulus package, meant to help American small businessis actually reached them.
Graft and malfeasance of the banks, czarist entities and even our elected officials that were to spread the magic (pulled it out of thin air) money around, have just lined their coffers, funded their pet projects, charges fees against the funds and Filled the big businesses pockets.

Citizens who just want to pay their bills and feed their families by working or running their businesses are being arrested, fined and made examples of by their state.
Where does it stop if we don’t stand up NOW!

I can not ask the retired business owners who took a chance on me by carrying a business property loan to wait for their monthly payments.
My business must open now or close forever.

So we all should mind our own business people.

Even if it is a business OR if it is just keeping our holes shut and taking care of ourselves.
Let America open.

Monday, May 4, 2020

C19 shutdown had unexpected results.

C19 shut down with unexpected results.

I was over at a friends business that has been shut down Since March 15 and is now getting ready for reopening.
There was a man helping her husband with equipment in another part of the building.
We cleaned and straightened for a while and I needed to use the facilities and went and did so.
As I was in the women’s bathroom on the throne I realized the room appeared to be having some work done on it as their was paint and brushes in the corner.
As I mused the paint can and brushes, I kept feeling some strange sensations on my bum.
kind of  like tiny little feet walking across my bum.
Weird!  I thought maybe I had sat to long and was going tingly numb.
Seconds later It happened again this time closer to the front!
I thought what the heck!
Then the horror of a thought! How did I get crabs!
I haven’t had sex since my divorce.  But then remembered high school health class and that 8 could get them from a toilet seat used by someone who had them!  Is that true I thought? Ewwww.
 I Never had them but always heard they felt pretty weird and itchy.
Hurriedly finished my business and grabbed a handful of TP as the sensation of tiny feet spread across my genitals and bum.
Hurriedly cleansed and as I pulled my hand back there were about dozen of tiny little spiders on my hand.
Shook them off jumped up and felt allot of scrambling of tiny legs going on.
Something larger was TRAPPED right in the crack of my bum!
I suddenly had a idea what was happening and shuddered in revolution, grabbed a large handful of TP and wiped really hard as something struggled against my body!
     I smashed the disgusting thing of nature against me!
I felt only tiny things ...NOW.  Tiny little feet!!

this is what I imagined.
I Looked at what I had smashed and sure enough it was a LARGE SPIDER.

It had been covered with its young!
I then proceeded to smash wipe and 👋🏻 slap all over my Backside as I danced, ran in place, and around and around in circles in the ewwwwwwwww revulsion dance and cried out in horror!  🥴
SMASH, SLAP, smash, slap, slap slap slap smash smear smear slap till my butt was RED!

I finished the Eeeeeeewkey dance and settled.
Stamped and stomped  a few stray baby spiders on the floor.


Suddenly I Felt crawlies on my legs. @#$!
Oh NO!
I thought, Is it my imaginations or did they fall down the inside of my pants?!
I Quickly stripped!  Looked down at my feet and thought how are my shoes still on my feet?
I threw my pants and undies on the floor and proceeded to stomp them.
I was nude for the waste down, RED (after all was said in done I found I had slapped myself so hard I left finger welts on my bum) my spider bite butt towards the door as I again danced and stomped on my clothes.

In stepped the man that was working with my friends husband.

Now I was red all over.

He turned and walked out muttering sorry.

I shook out my clothes.   Pulled them on with a few gags and watches as I felt little wet cold spots against my skin.

I came out of the facility to hear my friend and her husband standing outside talking and questioning why the other friend had left.

I sat down on a town bench and they asked what was wrong so I told them this story. As they and then I joined in with long and loud laughter that could be heard all over Main Street.

I never did meet him.  Apparently he left muttering something  my friend  did not catch.

My spider bites are healing and I have had no ill effects accept when I feel something on my skin.

🕷 🐜 🐛 🕷 

Thursday, April 30, 2020

No way to wake up. 4 years ago today.

Another day where I just might run screaming away from the ooookiefactor.
Slept hard.  So hard the only thing to wake me is the feel of something crawling on my arm.  Figured it was my imagination.  
Next I roll over and feel something in the bed......small and wiggly.....then the smell of rotten bananas!  
I Come full awake and fling the covers back which throws the cat against the wall! I Flail around looking for the stink bug.
It was not just one but two entwined in passion.  
Oooooookie factor just doubled.
I Brush their slightly mangled bodies out of the bed and their are legs left behind that are in a death grip with the fabric of my night gown.
At this point I realize I have bug guts in my chest.
I Pick those legs and guts off one at a time...
The crazy big dog comes down the hallway to save me.
She gets her front paws on the bed and lets an explosive fart that would knock down the stink of a room full of rotten potatoes.  Her Breath stinks worse than a three day old corpse.
I get up and dress.
I am in the living room and am engulfed in stink bug perfume.
Dog goes crazy trying to save me.
I Trip over dog get bit on foot.
Little dog attacks big dog.
I Must save chihuahua from being eaten or killed.
I feel something in my hair, stuck in my curls and can't get it out.
I run to the bathroom where my son half naked jumps out of the shower and drippingly paws through my hair!
Guess what!....he finds nothing.
Dogs continue to fight and bark fiercely at each other.
The stink bug perfume continues to engulf us.
Gag gag,
I go back out and open the curtains, then sit down thinking I must of knocked the bug off when A moment later I feel it again!
It's in my pants and the smell is horrid. From the bug!
I strip my clothes of and realize there are people walking by and a car stopped out front.  
I am in front of the windows!
Dogs have started trying to find what is bothering me. They growl and bark at each other.
Chihuahua runs down hallway chasing imaginary rabbit with delusions of greyhound (obvious to anyone watching.)
I stumble to the kitchen area and finish striping.  
Shaking my clothes out and hoping my kids don't come out of their rooms.
My big toe gets caught in my pants and i hear an audible cracking.  Owww owe!
Something flings out of my pants and lands on the floor.
No it's not my toe.
The big crazy dog of my husbands attacks what ever came out of my pants.
Pouncing with her front feet and then teeth.
I tell her good girl and praise her as I quickly redress limping with my bit foot and now my toe swelling.
I go over to look and there, crushed by the crazy dogs powerful jaws is a stink bug!
Ack...just then another buzzes by my head and I duck and cover.
I am now tempted to hide in a closet with a can of bug spray.
The smell of stink bug has made me nauseous.
If you see me running down the street or driving fast away from the area......for gods sake get out of the way.

Really I am not crazy. Well maybe a little.   But bugs don't usually bother me.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Draconian Virus Mesures

Originally posted March 17, 2020
Updated April 11, 2020

We are seeing the most draconian measures enforced at all levels of government that we have ever seen in our lifetimes, and yet rather than being alarmed by the things going on, so many of you sheep applaud.

People are being arrested for spending too much time outside, and you applaud.
Pastors are being arrested for daring to hold church services, and you applaud.
A child's birthday party is raided by police, and you applaud.
A young woman is ticketed for going on a leisurely drive alone because it's deemed "non-essential travel", and you applaud.
A parade of school teachers and administrators who wanted to drive through neighborhoods and wave at children is busted up by cops because they were "nonessential," and you applaud.
A lone paddleboarder in the ocean on a beach without any other people around is arrested because he's violating quarantine orders, and you applaud.

People are being denied life saving medical treatments during this time and hospitals are actually sitting empty because these surgeries are not a priority right now [not essential as deemed by the government] as the entirety of our medical system is focused on one thing, and you applaud.
Add to this the millions who don’t qualify for or can not afford medical care of any sort.  But yet that’s another rant.

Businesses are beings forcibly closed and padlocked and owners arrested for refusing to shut down, and you applaud.
Dairy farmers and soon, other farmers are being incentivized to stop dairy farming and to sell their herds, and you don't seem to understand the implications.
People are being kept from hunting, fishing and gathering and you applaud.
People are being locked out of public lands and you applaud.

You're being told to use hotlines and online forms provided by your local governments to report your neighbors who don't obey, and you comply.
You scold people day after day for not obeying government edicts, and if any of us dare to question what's happening, you lecture about how we're a danger to society and and we just don't care about people dying.

You've somehow managed to convince yourselves that the people whose lives are affected by a virus are so very MUCH much more important than the people whose lives are being destroyed (and in many cases, leading to death) by the effects of a worldwide economic shutdown and impending worldwide depression the likes of which no one has ever seen before.

At what point will you QUESTION what's going on?
How far does the government have to push before you're slapped awake from your sleep?
How far and how long are you willing to go along with this?

If they told you to load your families onto train cars so that you could be taken to Virus Protection Facilities for your own safety, would you do it?

YEP or should I say BAaaa baaaa! Yes, you would!
That much has become painfully obvious to me.
 The whole time, you would be shaking your finger and yelling at those of us who refused, accusing us of being a danger to society and not caring if people die.

But they don't have to load you onto train cars and take you to Virus Protection Facilities, or force you to comply, because you do that voluntarily.
They control your mind.
They control you through fear.
They control you by convincing you that the world is a scary dangerous place, but they're here to protect you, care for you, and keep you safe, just as long as you OBEY like the good little sheep you are.  Lambs being led to slaughter.

They know that as long as you're locked inside your comfortable home with Netflix, Hulu, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and a cell phone, while dangling a $1200 check in front of you like a carrot on a stick, you'll comply.
No force is necessary for the majority of the herd.

YOU ARE IMPRISONED, willingly, and you're too blind to see it.

It’s time to stand up TOGETHER  and return to work, return to our lives and return to normal.
If you need to...wear a mask to protect yourself from germs.
If you are immune compromised, sick or ill in any way please continue to quarantine.
Wash your hand, clean your homes and businesses and stop hoarding product that the businesses need to keep them clean and open.

Media being used to control the masses.

If you still cant understand this let me put it into a media you will understand.

Still don’t believe me?
Here is a video in language you can understand to make it clear.


If you want to know what our founders would think of this- see what they wrote when it was happening to them:



Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Public school hell.

I have been watching The Who was your favorite teacher in high school post on my old home town page.

I really don’t have any favorites.

I remember being slammed against a wall by a PE teacher because I walked away from him when he yelled at me for refusing to run in a DD bra that gave no support even though it was tight.
The week before he made us run laps and I ran till flecks of blood showed through my bra and shirt.  It didn’t take much.
Then I walked off the court and received detention for it.
By time I got home I could not stand up straight.  Ended up in the ER with dad that night. Doctor said I had three compression fractures.

This same teacher taught drivers ed.
I tied to get out of it at the office and showed them my license.  They made a note I needed to be moved from the class and gave me my copy of the note.
But It had became mandatory that year.
So I got lost in the shuffle.
I told the teacher the first day I already had my license and thought it ridicules  that I must take the class.
He didn’t even listen and said it was mandatory.
I showed him my receipt about getting transferred out.  He said sit.
I figured, I already had my license and would just use the class like a study hall to finish other class work.  That lasted two weeks.
I checked back at the office.
When the teacher objected to my study hall, I started bringing a reading book.
I checked back at the office.
I would not do or turn in any of the work.
He kept calling on me in class.
I would ignore him.  I would sometimes Say I don’t know even if I did without looking up at him or answer in a really loud voice as I read from my book a crazy answer.
I would keep checking at the office for a new class.
Teacher kept Telling me to stay after class.
I just ignored him.
After a month,
He got fed up and told me I needed to straighten up or I would not get my drivers license.
I pulled it out of my pocket and said this license?!
I was told to go to the office.
I did.
Told them what had happened and was completely honest about it.
Principal was now involved.  Said they made a mistake and I needed to stay in the class.
The teacher said he would not let me in.
I said then the school is going to know about the time you slammed me against the wall and broke my spine.
He said no witnesses.  I smiled viciously and said I have three and we already have their statements in their own words given with their parents permission.
He went in. Filled out the certification of completion and handed it to me that day.  He says. Anything else?
I said. Yes my dad wants reimbursed for the doctors bill it was $2500.00.  He wants cash.  Should I have him come see you?
That evening the horrid teacher showed up at my dads with cash.

I remember being given poor grades by an English teacher because she knew someone I knew had had sex with her husband.
I got fed up.  Even her favorite student was fed up.
 And pointed out why she treated me the way she did.
I convinced her favorite student, who come to find out actually hated her, to turn my work in as her own to prove a point that I did do good class work, and I turned in the favorite students.  
It worked!
The next assignment I wrote it and the favorite student copied it.  We turned them in and of course I was accused of copying hers and she received an A.
Needless to say we proved it to the principal but it didn’t matter.
The principal didn’t really care.  I was moved out of her classes and into Spanish.
I remember her teacher husband was always making me stay after class alone for any reason.  He touched my chest and I stabbed at him with my pencil. I wonder how he explained that one?

The Spanish class I was moved into... the first day the teacher told me I would fail her class because I could not roll my R’s.  I failed.  I was already to far behind the day they moved me to catch up.

I spent 5 years in grade school going to a speech therapist for my S’s and Th’s. 5 years! Maybe if my speech therapist was not passed out drunk during most of my sessions it might of helped.

I remember being pawed by another art teacher who thought he could. I had a spray wand, for paint in my hand.  I sprayed his crotch.   I wonder how he explained that to his wife?  I never went back to his class.

I remember puking in biology class almost daily because the smell gave me migraines.
The teacher was tired of me running out of the room without permission.
I was given detention.
Never went.
Had my lunch card held till I did.
Stopped eating lunch.
I was finally removed from the class because I had missed to much of it form being in the hall or bathroom vomiting.  To this day smells of formaldehyde and other strong things give me headaches or turn my stomach.

I remember having  food poisoning from the cafeteria more then once.  It happened so often they usually just waited till I was done throwing up, rehydrates me and sent me back to class.

I remember taking thousands of photos as assigned by the photography teacher and never getting any credit for them in the yearbook.

I remember coming into the math class at the end of the day in JR high, as was demanded by the teacher so my grades would come up if I worked harder.
Caught him embracing and mutual pawing with a classmate.

Reported it to the 7th grade counselor and she called me a liar and threatened me if I told anyone else.
That pawing math teacher and former classmate are married with kids now.

This same councilor would watch us in the shower in PE and I hated her for it.
Her brother was the other councilor it made no sense to get help from him and the principal I had known for 5 years at my former grade school.
We had issues with him and my fourth grade teacher trying to beat me with a paddle for doing things I had not done. Forcing me to ride a hopity-hop in pe when I had a doctors note not to participate with a broken arm and the other arm in a brace.     I ended up with a Cracked vertebra when I could not keep the Hopity-hop under me.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Things never change.

2012 March 3.

A relative who is a very big wig in a big big church messages me obviously IRATE,  "Why wont you accept our relationship status on facebook?"
I reply, We are not even friends on facebook. Why would you want to claim me as a relative on facebook when you have not acknowledge me in life in 25 years since I started dating that biker?
He messages back "Well how are you?   How many kids do you have?  How long have you been married?  Who did you marry?  Do I know him? "
I messaged him back,  I am super, saved, no longer a member of your church but walking with the Lord.  I have two kids and have been married 25 years to that biker. You told me to dump or be excommunicated."
He replied back to me.  "Your right.  Never mind."
I replied,  "I do not mind at all.  That was the point 25 years ago and apparently the point today. Take that how you want it.  Know I forgave you but choose to not be part of the life you choose for me.  I have moved on.  I hope you will find your way and see that just because someone is not worthy to you does not mean they are not worthy to the Lord....or me."

You know I thought this was pretty well thought out and truthful.  I do not feel guilt for it at all.
Is that bad?                            
Had another incident this week when leaving church.  A lady says to me "Isn't it nice that the church has been able to pay for your daughter to go to her art camp?"  
I replied in a tone trying to stay calm but failing. "It would be if it was true.  FYI the church only writes the check to send to the Fine ARTS council, and the pastor helps her buy finding jobs for her to do for pay, many at the church.  She works for every penny for food and gas.  Last year the pastor even found a friend of his for her to stay with and those wonderful people even fed her."                                            
I then probably offended and will have to ask for forgiveness because I said, "I do not think any of it would happen if it was not for the pastor."               This is a wonderful church because they do a fireworks booth every year and the local kids work at it many getting to go to camp.  Most of the kids that work at it work 8 to 10 hours a day to help and possible get to go to camp.  They work hard!                        
Sadly today my daughter had to also go ask for a check to be written for fine arts because of the deadline.  The man that writes the checks made her feel like she was asking for money she had not earned.  She has been working prepping a room for painting and will be painting it the trim in another room and part of a staircase.  She is extremely blessed and thankful by this and loves that she is earning it.  But it has been a good lesson in how even at church money makes the people in charge of it strange in their behavior in this simple matter.                                                                    
Sad still no matter what church I attend this type of treatment is rampant.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Tonia Jarrett Rogers

Reposted from Facebook with permission
Tonia Jarrett Rogers.
I’m sorry in advance that this rant is sooo long...But I’m not sorry about it’s content...🤔

Everyone has heard the vaunts of The American Dream’...
Fewer have the knowledge of what REAL FREEDOM actually taste like...
As a nation, we have slowly been swayed from the real meaning of ‘Freedom’ & force fed NEW crazy ideologies...
With promises of a never ending bountiful buffet...Delicacies like FREE materialistic appetizers drizzled with FREE healthcare, FREE entrees of housing, served with FREE desserts of cash topped with chocolate chunks of FREE college tuition & everything in between that you desire...Many of you have already lined up for this “unbelievable” fantastic buffet...You devour anything & everything ‘FREE’ at a gluttonous pace...So fast that Many will fail to realize that NOTHING IS TRULY FREE...You’ll eat, & Eat, & EAT...BUT, what will those that feast, do when the final bill comes?...Will you do the ‘proverbial dishes’ or bus the proverbial tables in order to help pay for the fine proverbial meal(s)?...Answer: “NO”, because you were too distracted/blindsided by the words FREE with lavishly decorated tables that are beautifully displayed with abundant delicacies that (You) the patrons haven’t even bothered to read the fine print at the bottom of the greasy menu: ‘TIP, GRATUITIES & TAXES’ NOT INCLUDED’...
And Just When you get comfortable with the crazy ‘New American Dream’ ideology, it will be changed again & Again...
They'll want you to believe in the ‘Bountiful Buffet’...That it is actually meant FOR ALL to share...Regardless...To share with deviant barbarians that have unwashed hands, whose sole intention is to lick, touch, sneeze & cough all over the food that you’ve been eyeing & hoping for...
Never mind that these barbarians took cuts in front of you or skipped the line entirely...Never mind that they were allowed to push ahead of you, & step on or push your own young child aside to get to the buffet first...Never mind that They will get to lick, touch, eat & cough on the food while it’s still hot & fresh...You’ll be brainwashed into thinking that the whole disgusting display that you'll witness will be completely normal because barbarians don’t know any better...
You’ll be ORDERED that if you want any future servings of ‘FREE’, that you’ll be grateful to even eat from the floor of the barbarians...You’ll be told that you’ll HAVE TO tolerate their disgusting habits & table manners...To eat whatever scraps are left...So So sad how you’ll think that The endless supply of never ending filthy contaminated droppings of cold meager morsel of crumbs is your great reward...

The Real American Dream of days gone by is best described in a short quote by the late George Carlin; “It’s Called The American Dream, Because You Have To Be Asleep To Believe It”...(Would be pretty funny, if it weren’t so true)...
Unfortunately, most Americans have fallen asleep after they engorged themselves at the proverbial buffet table...They eaten till their belly’s are beyond full...Many will remain in a trance/Dream-land state (similar to the affect after eating a Thanksgiving Turkey feast)...
Meanwhile, “WE”, the ones that have cooked & prepared the awesome buffet, in hopes of sharing the feast with our neighbors, didn’t even get a taste (Nor a thank you) after you ate your crumbs...All we can do now is watch all of you fight each other for the meager crumbs...
We are wide awake because we didn’t partake in the feast...We are watching in horror & disbelief at the nightmare that has/is unfolding it’s final plot before us...We tried to wake you, but you won’t wake up...
I’m not really sure who to put the blame on...maybe ourselves for allowing this gigantic proverbial food fight to happen...Because, after all, we worked very hard...We gave & gave, till we had very little left for ourselves, just so that you (our brothers aka our loved ones) wouldn’t have to experience the feelings of going without...How can we blame you if you never had the chance to experience the meaning of having to work hard for something, then losing it, only to watch someone else reap the benefits/rewards...

It is disheartening to see The two words ‘FREE and FREEDOM’ be confused & thought of as the same thing...These two words have been used & intermingled/interchanged so often that sadly most will continue to confuse the difference between the two...
Same with the two words ‘Social & Socialism’...Few will notice no difference between the two Just because they look & sound similar...Some will think the meanings are the same...Some will even fail to research the proverbial recipe of socialism & how it tasted in other countries...
What is even sadder is, I fear that the ‘American Dream’ our forefathers fought so hard for, Will no longer exists in the future, because the crazy ‘New Ideology’ of Freedom & The American Dream’ has deviated so far to the left, that it has now become a fruitless pursuit...
I fear that The American Dream will no longer be meant for the natural born American nor for those that seek to come to America honestly & legally...
Our forefathers fought hard for The American Dream as we knew it...For they and too many soldiers to count have fought with courage & literal ‘Blood, Sweat, & Tears to preserve The Freedoms & The American Dream of days gone by...
I seriously doubt if any of our forefathers and soldiers would of fought so hard on the midway, (or any war) if they knew our American Dream would one day turn into an oxymoron, a ‘Socialist Freedom’ nightmare...

End of rant...
P.S. If you feel the need to leave a negative comment...DONT...Just scroll on by...🤔

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Great Grandma Fodge’s overflowing front porch spit can.

A funny little story from Mary

I always looked back at this time with humor and a precious memory because I lost my Grandma to cancer less then five years later.
I was in high school at the time this was originally written and just now transferred it to a journal I keep on line for my kids to read some day.

The assignment was to write something personal and a little embarrassing.
The teacher said we would NOT be graded for anything except turning something in.
By the way Mrs Blain at KUHS gave it a D.  Of course she lied and graded it.

Down the road years from now when I am gone and my grandkids or Great grandkids ask what was it like then their will be stories to pass on.

I only met my Great Grandparents (pictured) on the Fodge side of the family once in the summer of 1971 when I went back East with my Grandpa Carl and Grandma Ruth.

While there I met so many people my six year old self could not comprehend or even remember names.  It was a huge family!

My few interactions with my great grandparents were when Great Grandpa told Great Grandma to have me remove the old coffee can from the front porch that they used as a spittoon.

I asked what it was and great grandma made a disgusting sound and demonstrated.

I gagged and wretched.

I said in my six year old words you can spank me and not let me eat for being bad, but I can not do that.  I will throw up.

Great grandma called my grandma Ruth over. (Her daughter in law.). She said this child is willful and disobedient.  Is this how you raise my sons children and grandchildren?

Grandma Ruth told me to pick it up.
My eyes started to tear up and I silently and sadly shook my head NO.
She picked it up and thrust it in my hands and said take it to the bathroom.

We had been there two days and I had not yet been able to find an open bathroom and had been peeing in the bushes (might of been weeds) in the ally because of it.

Grandma steered  me to the bathroom but about 7 steps into the living room I gagged and vomited all over myself and the can overflowing it and spilling it on Great grandmas floor, couch, table and carpet.

Grandma Ruth speed walked me to the bathroom. I sloshing the mess all over myself and on the path there. Once I almost slipping to the floor but she grabbed the back of my sun suit to keep me upright.

She opened the door to the bathroom where four kids where bathing, she took and set down the still full can, stripped me and plopped me in the tub with these strangers!

Those kids promptly vacated the tub and ran around naked till others corralled them and clothed them!

Grandma Ruth had rinsed my clothes in the sink and left with my them.
She came back in what seemed like an hour later but was probably just minutes and said they where washed and hanging up to dry.

She rinsed me off and handed me a towel.
I dried and wrapped it around myself.

She told me pick up the can and pour it in the toilet.

I picked it up shakily.
Poured it in the toilet, missed, made a mess, sloshed it on myself trying to correct it and finished dumping it as I again wretched and vomited.

Grandma Ruth told me to use the towel to clean up the mess.   I did so.
She rinsed me one more time and looked for a clean towel.
There were none. Drip drying is fine on a hot Ohio July day.

People were knocking on the door, turning the knob, door not opening and trying to get in to use the bathroom.
Peoples voices were out side in the hall saying who spilled and made a mess then arguing and yelling about someone needed to be cleaning it up.

We sat in silence for a few minutes.
Probably her only moment of peace at her in laws.


She asked if I felt better.
I nodded yes.
She said, I don't think anyone will ever ask you to carry the spit can again.

All I could do is Sa sickly smile and think I hope so.

Someone was Knocking at the door again.

I said finally said I hope not. Looked to her and she smiled then clapped her hands together like she always seemed to do and laughed a hearty laugh.
Then suddenly she was serious and  said were you disrespectful?

More knocking at the door.....

I replied a firm No. and continued  I told the lady she could spank me and take away my food but I would be sick if I touched it.

She said You tried to tell her?

More louder knocking.

I nodded yes.

Alright.  All you have to do is apologize to your great grand parents.

I said okay.

More knocking even harder this time.

She said let's straighten the bathroom while you dry and in a few minutes your clothes hanging in the sun can be put back on.

More feverish knocking at the door. Some older boy child is crying outside the door because he is pooping his pants.

She had me use the towel on the floor and she cleaned the tub toilet and sink.
She then said sit down in the tub it's dry and she sat on the seat of the toilet.

More feverish knocking.

She smiled real big at me.

We waited

She finally said let's go and opened the door the boy outside smelled like poop, and we headed out.
Me naked.
Head heals high.
Everyone stared.
I was embarrassed. But I keep my head high and stared right back.
She steered me through the house full of people and to the kitchen and back porch area.
Grabbing  my still  damp sun suit from the line she helped me into it.

She then grabbed a comb from her purse and tried to tame my riot of curls, looked at me, smiled and changed her mind.

You go apologize.  I am right behind you.

I went to the front porch.
I Said to my great grandmother, I am sorry for making a mess to my great grandmother.

Grandma Ruth thrust the empty rinsed can at her mother in law and said unless you want a repeat of that mess in the house don't have her do that for you again.

Great Grandma Fodge got up, looked into her living room at the furniture and carpet and said who's going to clean that up?

Grandma Ruth then called those of us children who had arrived with her to her and we went back to the trailer that had been pulled all the way from Oregon to Ohio for the visit for the rest of the day.

I guess I wore our our welcome that day.

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