Thursday, April 30, 2020

No way to wake up. 4 years ago today.

Another day where I just might run screaming away from the ooookiefactor.
Slept hard.  So hard the only thing to wake me is the feel of something crawling on my arm.  Figured it was my imagination.  
Next I roll over and feel something in the bed......small and wiggly.....then the smell of rotten bananas!  
I Come full awake and fling the covers back which throws the cat against the wall! I Flail around looking for the stink bug.
It was not just one but two entwined in passion.  
Oooooookie factor just doubled.
I Brush their slightly mangled bodies out of the bed and their are legs left behind that are in a death grip with the fabric of my night gown.
At this point I realize I have bug guts in my chest.
I Pick those legs and guts off one at a time...
The crazy big dog comes down the hallway to save me.
She gets her front paws on the bed and lets an explosive fart that would knock down the stink of a room full of rotten potatoes.  Her Breath stinks worse than a three day old corpse.
I get up and dress.
I am in the living room and am engulfed in stink bug perfume.
Dog goes crazy trying to save me.
I Trip over dog get bit on foot.
Little dog attacks big dog.
I Must save chihuahua from being eaten or killed.
I feel something in my hair, stuck in my curls and can't get it out.
I run to the bathroom where my son half naked jumps out of the shower and drippingly paws through my hair!
Guess what!....he finds nothing.
Dogs continue to fight and bark fiercely at each other.
The stink bug perfume continues to engulf us.
Gag gag,
I go back out and open the curtains, then sit down thinking I must of knocked the bug off when A moment later I feel it again!
It's in my pants and the smell is horrid. From the bug!
I strip my clothes of and realize there are people walking by and a car stopped out front.  
I am in front of the windows!
Dogs have started trying to find what is bothering me. They growl and bark at each other.
Chihuahua runs down hallway chasing imaginary rabbit with delusions of greyhound (obvious to anyone watching.)
I stumble to the kitchen area and finish striping.  
Shaking my clothes out and hoping my kids don't come out of their rooms.
My big toe gets caught in my pants and i hear an audible cracking.  Owww owe!
Something flings out of my pants and lands on the floor.
No it's not my toe.
The big crazy dog of my husbands attacks what ever came out of my pants.
Pouncing with her front feet and then teeth.
I tell her good girl and praise her as I quickly redress limping with my bit foot and now my toe swelling.
I go over to look and there, crushed by the crazy dogs powerful jaws is a stink bug!
Ack...just then another buzzes by my head and I duck and cover.
I am now tempted to hide in a closet with a can of bug spray.
The smell of stink bug has made me nauseous.
If you see me running down the street or driving fast away from the area......for gods sake get out of the way.

Really I am not crazy. Well maybe a little.   But bugs don't usually bother me.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Draconian Virus Mesures

Originally posted March 17, 2020
Updated April 11, 2020

We are seeing the most draconian measures enforced at all levels of government that we have ever seen in our lifetimes, and yet rather than being alarmed by the things going on, so many of you sheep applaud.

People are being arrested for spending too much time outside, and you applaud.
Pastors are being arrested for daring to hold church services, and you applaud.
A child's birthday party is raided by police, and you applaud.
A young woman is ticketed for going on a leisurely drive alone because it's deemed "non-essential travel", and you applaud.
A parade of school teachers and administrators who wanted to drive through neighborhoods and wave at children is busted up by cops because they were "nonessential," and you applaud.
A lone paddleboarder in the ocean on a beach without any other people around is arrested because he's violating quarantine orders, and you applaud.

People are being denied life saving medical treatments during this time and hospitals are actually sitting empty because these surgeries are not a priority right now [not essential as deemed by the government] as the entirety of our medical system is focused on one thing, and you applaud.
Add to this the millions who don’t qualify for or can not afford medical care of any sort.  But yet that’s another rant.

Businesses are beings forcibly closed and padlocked and owners arrested for refusing to shut down, and you applaud.
Dairy farmers and soon, other farmers are being incentivized to stop dairy farming and to sell their herds, and you don't seem to understand the implications.
People are being kept from hunting, fishing and gathering and you applaud.
People are being locked out of public lands and you applaud.

You're being told to use hotlines and online forms provided by your local governments to report your neighbors who don't obey, and you comply.
You scold people day after day for not obeying government edicts, and if any of us dare to question what's happening, you lecture about how we're a danger to society and and we just don't care about people dying.

You've somehow managed to convince yourselves that the people whose lives are affected by a virus are so very MUCH much more important than the people whose lives are being destroyed (and in many cases, leading to death) by the effects of a worldwide economic shutdown and impending worldwide depression the likes of which no one has ever seen before.

At what point will you QUESTION what's going on?
How far does the government have to push before you're slapped awake from your sleep?
How far and how long are you willing to go along with this?

If they told you to load your families onto train cars so that you could be taken to Virus Protection Facilities for your own safety, would you do it?

YEP or should I say BAaaa baaaa! Yes, you would!
That much has become painfully obvious to me.
 The whole time, you would be shaking your finger and yelling at those of us who refused, accusing us of being a danger to society and not caring if people die.

But they don't have to load you onto train cars and take you to Virus Protection Facilities, or force you to comply, because you do that voluntarily.
They control your mind.
They control you through fear.
They control you by convincing you that the world is a scary dangerous place, but they're here to protect you, care for you, and keep you safe, just as long as you OBEY like the good little sheep you are.  Lambs being led to slaughter.

They know that as long as you're locked inside your comfortable home with Netflix, Hulu, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and a cell phone, while dangling a $1200 check in front of you like a carrot on a stick, you'll comply.
No force is necessary for the majority of the herd.

YOU ARE IMPRISONED, willingly, and you're too blind to see it.

It’s time to stand up TOGETHER  and return to work, return to our lives and return to normal.
If you need to...wear a mask to protect yourself from germs.
If you are immune compromised, sick or ill in any way please continue to quarantine.
Wash your hand, clean your homes and businesses and stop hoarding product that the businesses need to keep them clean and open.

Media being used to control the masses.

If you still cant understand this let me put it into a media you will understand.

Still don’t believe me?
Here is a video in language you can understand to make it clear.


If you want to know what our founders would think of this- see what they wrote when it was happening to them:



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