Saturday, October 30, 2010

Symbols of HATE?

If you look in depth at this group on facebook you will be enlightened as to what they really hate and who they support  especially look at their discussion pages.

It is oppressing me because I do not love flying.
I think they should remove it.

A friend posted this to me.

"People hater's and People who have hate symbol in there houses should realize hate does nothing but make things worse... I say Heck No to Racism.."

I then asked, "What would you consider a hate symbol?

She replied, "Hitler symbols, for one..."

I stated, "Hitler borrowed that. It has been around as far back as 1000 years before Christ.

What would you consider another hate symbol?"

She again replied, "Anything that symbolize hate, Period............... No mater what year it came from or who invented it Period....?
So I then asked in a loony fashion, "So by your comment then You agree that the bible, the cross, not dressing to sharia law are all symbols of hate?
You agree that
One of the first flags used in our country.  The Gadsden flag.  The one that says Don't tread on me, and has a picture of a snake on  it.  It is considered a hate symbols by some.

You agree that the UNION JACK or confederate flag is a symbol of racism because the states who fought under it were slave states and not fighting for states rights as ARIZONA and other states are fighting right now?


I have been accused of being a racist because of the bible verses posted in my yard. They were offensive to some visitors over Labor Day weekend.  I said "Be offended."  I then went and put on my JESUS t-shirt and wore it the rest of the weekend in front of them.

My own family tree can attest to my HINZE 57 pedigree.  I would have to be a racist to my self.  LOL

The freedom of speech that one of our neighbors has displaying his NAZI flag is guaranteed to him in the United States Constitution.

It is the same freedom you exercise now by your post and I do by commenting.  

So is the above art or a hate symbol?  What part of it is the hate symbol and what part is art?

Are you agreeing then that we need to have our rights taken away?
After freedom of speech is freedom of religion and freedom to bare arms.  

Then will be my freedom to eat bacon.

When you look at the word origin and history of symbol you can learn so much about what you are really protesting against."

Word Origin & History

c.1434, "creed, summary, religious belief," from L.L. symbolum  "creed, token, mark," from Gk. symbolon  "token, watchword" (applied c.250 by Cyprian of Carthage to the Apostles' Creed, on the notion of the "mark" that distinguishes Christians from pagans), lit. "that which is thrown or cast together," from syn-  "together" + bole  "a throwing, a casting, the stroke of a missile, bolt, beam," from bol- , nom. stem of ballein  "to throw" (see ballistics). The sense evolution in Gk. is from "throwing things together" to "contrasting" to "comparing" to "token used in comparisons to determine if something is genuine." Hence, "outward sign" of something. The meaning "something which stands for something else" first recorded 1590 (in "Faerie Queene"). Symbolic  is attested from 1680.

If you look in depth at this group on facebook you will be enlightened as to what they really hate and who they support  especially look at their discussion pages.

Anymore saying NO to RACISM is only self preservation.  If we do not say NO to Muslims trying to enforce SHARIA LAW here in the U. S.  There will be no more racism.  We will no longer exist.
If we do not say no to illegal aliens coming into our country and exploiting everything from our education system to medical care we will no longer have a country.
It is time to take back AMERICA.
Think about what you join and what you spend every dollar on.
Buy U.S.A. or do not buy.
Buy in your own state or do not buy.
If we all just try to get buy and not make a fortune we can put allot of people back to work.

The friend that put me on the path to this story has recently removed herself from membership in the group.
She tried to claim she did not join them and I had to show her in the line of the conversation she had posted the link to and we were commenting in that she had.
She is still in denial.
I hope she will be more careful what she joins and clicks on in the future.
We all make mistakes.  I just hope we all can gracefully bow out when we know we have and love our friends even more for pointing out our mistake.


WHO ARE WE? We are the anti-racists. Anti-racist action is based on the ideas of solidarity and mutual aid. Solidarity is our natural outrage every time we see an act of injustice or evil. Mutual aid is the practice of people banding together to oppose a common enemy or confront a challenge that may seem insurmountable to individuals but, can be overcome when we work together as a group. Can we scientifically prove that racism is wrong? Yes indeed. Biologists have found no genetic similarity between people who have been grouped as races because of their skin pigmentation. Human blood types have no correlation with racial groupings based on skin pigmentation. How do we fight racism? And how can you play an important role in fighting it? The foremost thing we have to do is to attack the institutions which “legitimatize” racism; those political and economic powers which tell people that racist behavior and ideas are respectable rather than shameful. We must show that we believe racism to be cowardly, shameful and beneath contempt. We must embarrass those who are comfortable with their racism and show others who question racism that their anti-racist instincts are correct. Our best weapons against racism are our common sense and our unity. Join our campaign against racism and suggest it to friends. Let us all unite and be heard. Sharif Hussein

9387 - 8282 Mill road,
Shkoder, Albania



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