Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Things never change.

2012 March 3.

A relative who is a very big wig in a big big church messages me obviously IRATE,  "Why wont you accept our relationship status on facebook?"
I reply, We are not even friends on facebook. Why would you want to claim me as a relative on facebook when you have not acknowledge me in life in 25 years since I started dating that biker?
He messages back "Well how are you?   How many kids do you have?  How long have you been married?  Who did you marry?  Do I know him? "
I messaged him back,  I am super, saved, no longer a member of your church but walking with the Lord.  I have two kids and have been married 25 years to that biker. You told me to dump or be excommunicated."
He replied back to me.  "Your right.  Never mind."
I replied,  "I do not mind at all.  That was the point 25 years ago and apparently the point today. Take that how you want it.  Know I forgave you but choose to not be part of the life you choose for me.  I have moved on.  I hope you will find your way and see that just because someone is not worthy to you does not mean they are not worthy to the Lord....or me."

You know I thought this was pretty well thought out and truthful.  I do not feel guilt for it at all.
Is that bad?                            
Had another incident this week when leaving church.  A lady says to me "Isn't it nice that the church has been able to pay for your daughter to go to her art camp?"  
I replied in a tone trying to stay calm but failing. "It would be if it was true.  FYI the church only writes the check to send to the Fine ARTS council, and the pastor helps her buy finding jobs for her to do for pay, many at the church.  She works for every penny for food and gas.  Last year the pastor even found a friend of his for her to stay with and those wonderful people even fed her."                                            
I then probably offended and will have to ask for forgiveness because I said, "I do not think any of it would happen if it was not for the pastor."               This is a wonderful church because they do a fireworks booth every year and the local kids work at it many getting to go to camp.  Most of the kids that work at it work 8 to 10 hours a day to help and possible get to go to camp.  They work hard!                        
Sadly today my daughter had to also go ask for a check to be written for fine arts because of the deadline.  The man that writes the checks made her feel like she was asking for money she had not earned.  She has been working prepping a room for painting and will be painting it the trim in another room and part of a staircase.  She is extremely blessed and thankful by this and loves that she is earning it.  But it has been a good lesson in how even at church money makes the people in charge of it strange in their behavior in this simple matter.                                                                    
Sad still no matter what church I attend this type of treatment is rampant.


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