Thursday, January 15, 2015

GUEST OPINION by Pocahontas

Recently while traveling for work I had no time for TV or news papers.
I worked hard during that time my stress level was down, my blood pressure was down and I actually lost weight.  23 pounds in just under three weeks.

I have spent the last two days going over all the news I missed and I have come to the conclusion that we all need a break.  BUT it does not look like we will be getting one any time soon.

Sadly if we all took a break some vile politician would pull something, pass a law, rob us blind or something and we all would have to deal with it.

Truth be told we can not turn our eyes away for a moment.
Hence the internet.
This glorious, horrid thing that keeps our eyes focused on all the disgusting shit going on in the world.

The real reason that the main stream media is being used to distract us from truth.

We grew up trusting the media to a certain point but 40 years ago my grandfather would read the paper from cover to cover.  He would then lay it down and say kids never, never trust anything just because it is written or reported as news.
He would then tell us the story from history of Pulitzer, Hearst and others using the media to whip the country up into a frenzy to start war and action to protect their monetary interests.

We repeatedly have seen over the years the distracting stories that take our eye and ear away from the people who live in the sand and oil filled areas of the world after their people attack, torture and kill our people often holding them hostage for years.
Three Marin Corps Barracks bombings
USS Cole
Numerous tourist and missionary kidnappings/hostage takings.
More planes hitting the earth and buildings then I want to name here.

So what is my point.

Do not trust the media.

Find the news and be discerning.

Ask friends who live in the area what is going on.

Then ask their friends in the area who may have a different view.

Taking the time you will find more truth there then you will in the media.



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