Thursday, January 29, 2015

Slippery Slope

As we slip quietly into socialism, there is still an "irate, tireless minority" that fights to maintain the hard-fought freedoms given to us by those brave patriots who came before us. If we never, ever give up, they can never defeat us! Godspeed

Guest poster, Angela Pink,  also from Facebook.
Shared with permission.

Just thinking...... Is United States becoming United 'Soviet' States?

When I came to America 24 years ago, a minimum wage was $4.25 an hour and it didn't hurt my family finances nor did I had any problems with it whatsoever -- I was happy to have a job since I didn't speak English and had no work experience at the jobs I held in the beginning. I saw a lots of potentials in the job market and knew that I had to work very hard to make sure that my starting hourly pay would go up as I obtained more experience. My hourly pay was going up year after year and by the time I lived in America for 5 years, I was getting paid $17.78 per hour. Looking back at my first five years living in Virginia, I am very grateful for all my employers for giving me the opportunity to work and to become successful. At that time, my state was controlled by Republicans and Virginian government played small role in the private sector and didn't offer any handouts or freebies, I had to work for my rent, utilities, child care, health insurance, car, gas and house phone expenses. My family didn't depend on the government help and my family didn't complain or debated how fair or unfair the minimum wages are because I knew, it was the starting point -- a point I didn't have back in the former Soviet Union. All I wanted is to be employed and I worked hard to achieve my goal -- financial independence and peaceful family life. In 1995, my husband and I saved enough money to open our first small business and bought our first private home (it looked like a chicken house but we were happy to own a house even as ugly as it was). Everything was going great until I noticed how political winds start shifting and it wasn't for the good. By 2001, Democrats took over state's legislative body, Supreme Court and elected a left-wing Mayor and the Governor. Things started to look worse as government grew bigger which became very intrusive. It didn't take them too long to start imposing huge amount of regulations on the private business owners. The Virginian Democrats start offering free healthcare, childcare, housing, utilities and even free cell phones. It didn't come cheap to those who earned money for a living because our taxes went up dramatically. And to make my point short, Virginia state is now a solid Democratic controlled state and things gotten so bad that after fifteen years in business my ex-husband had to shrink his business due to impossibility to comply with all the government regulations and high taxation. No longer it's profitable to be a private owner -- it's much easier to not to work and live off the government handouts. The ugly irony is that I left communist country because it suffocated private business and punished the success and now, my beloved America is looking more and more like the former Soviet Union.

I have not spent allot of time updating this page.
I have instead been here.


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