Tuesday, September 28, 2010

There's no place in the US for Violent Religions.


There's no place in the US for Violent Religions.

That is what someone said to me.  After viewing the above video.

I replied.

Violent religions that told the Indians that they were the lost tribe of Israel while infecting them with smallpox (Mormons)
Told the Indians that they were inferior to whites as per evolution and preservation of the favored races (Catholics did that about Darwinism)
Started wars between the tribes as the French, Italian and English did sponsored by their church leaders.
Puritans who were so freaked out about the dark neighbors they almost starved to death till those same neighbors fed them. Then within years the whites had killed off all their neighbors or ran them off.
Christian Pioneers are just as responsible for the devastation of the American Indian as any other white man was.

Lets look at now... In Mexico the Indians are not considered citizens. The Catholic church has helped to promote that stance.
Right now off the coast of California on Catalina Island the Catholic church is undermining the government of the state and the country buy helping illegal immigrants to be able to stay in the USA

Yeah there was no place for violent religions 200+ years ago either.
Look what happened to the people who were not powerful enough to stand up for themselves!

200 years from now the few Christians left in the world will be slaves to Muslims or relegated to living on reservations.Wake up America


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