Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Please Google ACTA and contact your representative

I got a message yesterday concerning a Treaty that is being worked on currently concerning Internet usage, and how these countries want to be able to shut down a web server if someone downloads something illegally.

As you may be aware of SOFIA and PIPA from the senate and the house to close down sites such as Craigslist or Wiki etc, these will most likely not come out of committee.
There was such an uproar, but this new one is not going to go through any Senate or House, it is behind closed doors.

Please Google ACTA and contact your representative, maybe it is going through the State Department, who I think handles all treaties.

What ever you find out please inform us all.

My take on this is common sense, if you have a bank robbed in Dallas, you don't shut down all the banks in America or the world.  If a highway is closed or a car stolen you don't remove all cars or close all of the highways.

But they want to hold internet providers responsible if someone downloads anything with out paying for it.

So do all stores close down if someone shop lifts at Walmart?

This is getting ridiculous, what these business men want is to curtail everyone else, they need to make their content secure or do business some other way.

So please make your voices known.


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