Friday, November 11, 2011

Does your Sheriff know the POWER of his office? Share this with him or her.


Again there is no reason for me to put in my two cents here.
People better schooled and closer to the action are speaking out and doing it very well.
That of course does not mean I do not want to tell you what I think.
I just think these people in these links can tell you what is going on as well as they told me.

So PLEASE take the time to read these links.
Then ask your Sheriff some hard questions concerning these issues.
During the last elections I did and so did my friend Mary up in Pend Oreille County Washington.
She asked the questions of 3 of the four candidates running in the primary.  Only two of them bothered to answer her and both in public with voters listening.

She has been told by neighbors that because she asked those hard questions and they heard the answers they also changed their votes.  One lady to the point of going down and getting a new ballot and re voting.

Just like Debora in the Bible someone has to call the country back to the right path.
I say Lord let it start with me and people like me.

In this climate it is utterly unheard of to have any official stand against the federal government. Typically, they stand with them – their hand out for more federal grants – no matter how much the federal government violates the U.S. Constitution and infringes on the public. Thankfully there are those few who take their oaths of office and to the Constitution, with sincerity, and instead they choose to fight for the people; fight for what is true and just.

Obama’s Federal Stooges Beginning To Understand The Power Of Sheriffs: Sheriff Warns Federal Agents They Will Be Arrested If They Interfere!

The implementation of ‘Checkpoint USA’, where citizens are routinely stopped, searched and radiated by federal VIPER teams is further evidence of how America is crumbling into a Soviet-style police state where the presumption of innocent until proven guilty is abolished and the 4th amendment eviscerated. The DHS program also represents a complete violation of the 10th Amendment in that it brazenly contravenes states’ rights.

Nevada Sheriff Tony DeMeo Stops Federal Government: Feds Engaging In Illegal Confiscation Of Cattle And Water Rights Of County Property Owner.

U.S. Sheriffs Rise Up Against Federal Government: Sheriff Threatens Feds With SWAT Team

Arizona Sheriff: ‘If Decapitating Police Officers Is Not Terrorism, What is?’: More Troops At Korean Border Than Deadly U.S. Mexican Border.

States Of The Republic: Correcting Their Wayward Child ~ New Laws Constraining The Federal Government.

Rural America Event in Yreka CA

http://TeaPartyVIDEO.NET - Here are eight county sheriffs from Northern CA and Southern OR speaking on at panel at the Defend Rural America event October 22, 2011 in Yreka. Despite the low media coverage there were about 700 people in attendance from all over California, Oregon and as far away as Wyoming. The sheriffs made it perfectly clear that they are the last line of defense for their citizens and given authority by the 10th Amendment. YOU will be a source of information beyond the lame stream media by forwarding this link! For further information:
For information on the Constitutional Sheriff

"JUMP TO" important parts of the video by selecting "SHOW MORE" below.

Chapter markers (click the link to jump to topic)
00:00 Event starts
01:18 Introduction: Sheriff Jon Lopey Siskiyou County CA
02:29 Sheriffs and the Constitution?
03:15 Why are the Sheriffs involved?
10:15 Sheriff Dean Wilson Del Norte County CA
11:26 Sheriff Wilson talks about the Oath of Office
11:53 Government land access restrictions Travel Management Plan
07:50 Sheriff Bruce Haney Trinity County CA We're in it together
18:00 The Travel Plan is to keep us off the roads
19:55 We need to educate our youth
22:00 Pledges to stand with the sheriffs
22:48 Sheriff Tom Bosenko Shasta County CA on Travel Plan
24:00 Invasion of foreign nationals growing Marijuana
26:08 TANK effort to anex land for power transmission
26:53 Prison Realinement Program AB 109
28:54 Public Safety is in the Constitution
30:17 Sheriff Jon Lopey Siskiyou County CA bad economy
31:51 Taking the dams down will create flooding and fire hazzards
32:53 Actions the Federal and state agencies are taking are unconstitutional
33:37 Sheriff Greg Hagwood Plumas County CA The sheriffs are united
35:04 This is the awakening of a giant
36:01 Travel Management Plan and newspaper interview
38:34 Elected officials should not be applauded for simply doing thier duty
40:07 Oath of Office
42:25 Karen Budd-Falen Wyoming Proplerty Rights Attorney
42:49 Attornies take an oath to uphold the Constitution
43:10 The Constitution is the Foundation
43:40 Citizens can do anything that the law doesn't prohibit
45:57 Daniel Webster wrote the Dictionary to protect the meaning of the words in the constitution
46:48 God gave you Rights
47:40 Property Rights and the Constitution
48:42 The Federal government pays environmental groups
51:40 Sheriff Glenn E Palmer Grant County OR
54:30 Oath of Office
57:35 You can read the Constitution and don't let them take your property rights
59:03 Sheriff Dave Hencratt Tehama County CA Sheriff Greg Growden Lassen County CA


Thank you to the Redding Patriots.

Blessings HHC


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