Saturday, December 21, 2019

Away for a long while and small town life.

December 2010
I Seem to have fallen off the face of the earth.
Only just a couple of weeks ago was I able to log into my blogger account and get access.
It has been lost to me for some time.

So out in the world away from blogging I went.
Trying to change the world in my little corner.

Just wanting to make thing better where we have to battle the Forest Service to keep access to the forest.
Where gossip is the food that drives the community and where predators come in all shapes and forms and walk on two legs and the real wolves and cougars are not such a big worry.

Small town driven on gossip.
Women dragging down women and beating each other up with words, made into lies and long drawn out drama that they feed off of for years.  Even after its proven untrue they will still talk about it and drag you down as much as they can.

Predators of children and drunk drivers never get busted because they are friend, classmates or family of the local sheriff.
The school never had charges brought up on a coach for his sexual relationship with a 18 year old student.  We all know that student and he had this relationship even before she was of age.
The former grade school principal verbally abused kids and parents alike especially kids of his former classmates in a near by town.
He spent school sports funds on taking a team to hooters for a meal while away at a game.

A Serial killer uses the national forest to hide his deeds and does it so well only the tiniest part of the surface is beginning to come to light.

Local sheriffs deputies think the only reason we live here in this rural area is because we are all smuggling illegals across the boarder.   (Wrong boarder jerk)

Most locals carry concealed no matter if they are elephants or donkeys.  It doesn’t matter hear when it comes to the safety of the community.   Commit a violent crime when people are around your going to get caught with lead.

What about your small town?

Is it this way in all small towns or is it just here?

Would really like to have some input from people about their experiences.


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