Monday, December 16, 2019

Support small rural communities and theaters.

My friends bought a small rural theater Five years ago.
They have been trying to get people in the doors and keep them coming back.

Because they are not a big chain theater they get movies three to six weeks after they come out!
Because the studios have more control over what they play then they do.

They had a signed contract to play a older  fox movie and a Disney movie
Free for their community this month.

Disney pulled the both of movies because they decided to put them on their new pay channel.
My friends had been advertising the movies for weeks because they had the original okay.
But because Disney now owns fox They control 47% of the movie industry they can say No.

Earlier this year when Dumbo and Mary Poppins came out Disney demanded  $500. Advance for one of them and an $800 advance for the other.
Then they took 86% of each ticket.
Disney also demands they take the movies for two weekends.
This makes the first weekend a great weekend with the second one being a no one shows up weekend.
My friends went in the hole for those movies.

They can only book one movie at a time for some reason while two theaters within an hour of them book two three and sometimes four new headliners.
Studios say it’s because they only have one screen but I know for a fact that these other theaters only have one screen also.

I have to wonder how the studios can dictate who gets the movies and when.  If a movie is released it should be available to any of them wanting to play it for the % the studios wants. One weekend one week or one day.
So much is wrong with the movie theater industry and its only getting worse.

Make sure and support local movie theaters.
If you keep driving to the bigger city’s for movies who is going to support your little league, soccer or little wrestlers?

With the studios taking so much of the ticket price they have to charge a little more for concessions to keep the heat on and the doors open.

Caught with your phone out taking video during a movie and you can be fined and imprisoned.

One rural movie theater in the town of Metaline Fall just opened a year ago and their first months open were nominated for and won a National best popcorn award.
Check out the New View.

Metaline Falls is known for where most of the Kevin Costner movie the Postman was filmed.
Great little community in the uprise now looking to become your next fun destination.

Opportunities abound,
The communities are looking for someone to open a local hardware store.

High speed internet is available.

It’s a great place to live and recreate.

What horror stories do you have or know of in the theater industry?


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