Saturday, November 27, 2010

The chances that Reid and Pelosi will pass an Amnesty next week are fairly high!

They have a lot of bitter lawmakers who have been thrown out of DC, that are willing to stab America in the back on the way out.

Also, far too many Americans who support the enforcement of our existing immigration and border laws are politically asleep from the Holiday and overconfident due to the recent elections!

We must all be ready to do everything politically possible to stop this Dream Act Amnesty next week!

You must call, email and fax your representative right now.

Tell them you are against the DREAM ACT (STOP AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS)  and while you are at it tell them to preserve the internet as is and leave our freedom alone (THE FCC IS OUT OF CONTROL).  Also tell them to STOP the food safety act (WE WANT TO BE ABLE TO GARDEN AND SHARE OUR CROPS. WE ALSO WANT ALTERNATIVE SAFE HERBS TO SELF MEDICATE).
They really are getting ready to stab us in the back on their way out of WASHINGTON.


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