Saturday, November 13, 2010

Think before you BUY PINK.

Everyone loves to support national breast cancer awareness.
I mean COME ON women need to get checked regularly and be aware.

But the last time you bought that cute pink hat or purse or anything that said a percent of our profits from the sale if this item go to support breast cancer research.

Did you ask for documentation on how much of your money went to support that?
Did you ask for proof afterwords that it was donated to breast cancer research or helping patents get treatment?

Of course not.  You trusted the company to make it right.

The American Cancer Society has responded to me at different levels in the organization that they have never received a donation that was to of come from any of these promotions.

I also contacted three major cancer research clinics in the United States and they all said they have no record of ever receiving funds from one of these promotions.

So I ask you the consumer to never let these promotions be the deciding factor in a purchase because it looks like your money is not making it to the proposed cancer site.

I know from personal experiance that cancer paitents need more help with fund for gas and bills.
If you want to help them out with a donation just call the American Cancer Society and tell them I want to make a donation of a gift card for gas for cancer patients.  They will gladly tell you where to send it.


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