Thursday, November 4, 2010

DARN THERE GOES MY PLANS!!! Coconuts removed from trees in preparation for Barack Obama's India trip. Where is he really going and why take so many bigwigs? Is something going to happen in the USA and he knows it?

For those of you who have not realized run your curser over some of the blurbs on this page and you will see they are links to stories.

 All coconuts around the city's Gandhi museum, one of Mr Obama's stops in the city, are being taken down.

Well I guess I can cancel my plane tickets and just stay at home and wait for the snowballs to fly.
DARN foiled again.  Not trips to the Pacific North West for a while!

India removes coconuts from trees around Gandhi museum to prevent them from falling on Obama's head

I guess you just have to have a good sense of humor about all this nonsense now days.

I am just not sure how much humor we can all afford.  I see we are getting the bill for the coconut picking.

US to spend $200 mn a day on Obama's Mumbai visit!

Sarah Forest  Posted to my friend Marys post:    This is deliberate destruction. No one can really be this stupid and short sighted. That man hates this country and I cannot understand how so many voted for him -and STILL support him!

Thankfully it is only going to be about 200 million RUPEES a DAY.  = about 4 and 1/2 million a day in U. S. $.

Sarah Forest Posted again to Mary's post:    I had one woman tell me that she was "proud" that Obama got elected but she was heartbroken because "he never stood a chance." OMG!! He has the power of the US Presidency behind him!!! AND a left of Liberal house and senate!!!! He has N...O resistance to his agenda, even though most Americans do not want what he's selling. No one could ever have more of a chance than that! He has not accomplished a single thing that is not majorly destructive to all of us, yet he still has half the country blindly in love with him. He can't offer a convincing explanation for his actions, he stammers, makes lame half excuses, blameshifts, treats most Americans like his personal enemies, never steps up, never listens and never acts toward the "unity" he talked about two years ago. Yes he inherited a mess, but Oh My GOD he has made it immeasurably worse.
Security Entourage Earning Epic Reputation Ahead of Obama India Visit 

Obama's said to have booked the entire Taj Mahal Palace hotel and, according to The Wall Street Journal.
This is ridicules.

Since it is difficult to monitor such a congested area, they came up with a quick solution which left the Indians accompanying them amazed: A bomb-proof over-ground tunnel — to be installed by US military engineers in just an hour. ......See the story.

Where is he really going and why take so many bigwigs?  Is something going to happen in the USA and he knows it? 

Something’s not normal.. IS ANYONE PAYING ATTENTION? 

This is the RIGHT getting screwy about and not looking at all the details.
We are all guilty of it.
Come on people CHECK OUT THE FACTS

Have the Spanish, Japanese or Chinese who have come to America wanted to impose sharia law or similar laws on our communities or governments?
Does their holy book tell them it is okay to lie to people not of their "religion" and to murder them for not converting.
Yes Catholics did this in history.
Yes history shows that the Spanish, and Japanese countries did not want America to prosper or exist if not under their rule and the Chinese did not want us white devils in their country.  

I find it amazing how we are all being duped by the news media and their agenda.  It does not matter if it left or right they are all using us.
We can see this with the recent story's of Obummer spending 200 million dollars a day on his trip.
IT WAS 200 million rupees people.
I think many of us are guilty of falling for that one.  That is around 4 to 4.5 million a day.

We really need to start paying attention to the news agencies that post the facts but be wary.  Even I checked out a web site that was supposedly the white house.  The next day the page was gone so I checked out what server it was and it is CNN's server.

The news agency's right and left are no longer really reporting the news,  they are making it and much the time from thing air.

You have CNN who likes to make the right look like fools, racists and rednecks.  You have the left that have their heads so far up the socialism ladder it is scary.

On both sides there is a great picture that we the ordinary citizen can not see of even fathom as part of their, (left or right) agenda.  It is the stuff of conspiracy theorist, scifi, and end of the world lovers.

Right now on all sides they want us to hate Muslims.   Even if the left says they want peace they do not.  What they really want is us to hate the Muslims.
We all need to look at the bigger picture... the extremist right want the world to end so Jesus will come back.
The extremist left want the world to end so the smaller population can start fresh.
All of them are using the hate of ISLAM as a tool to their means.
If we take away the rights of the Muslims we take away our Christian rights.   USHERING in the NEW WORLD ORDER.

Both sides are using the news to wind us all up one way or another to justify the means of our own end.


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